Big Mangall

My friends and I love going out for the weekend. We used to have a little dishwasher, and we had to make a shuffle with a few lots. With the purchase of the Hefest Premium Mangal, we can make meat to a big company, even a very large company. We've got friends who even joke that the summer's open for the rest of the lucky ones)

Mangall Gefeste Premium saw the Trophey store on the Queenko, that's what we were looking for for. Fixed mangal♪ Its operational dimensions: 895x370x850 mm.

Exhausted from steel with a thickness of 3 mm. Very good. All the flexes and edges are normal and careful, and they are shown to be in good modern equipment. Mangal's design is reliable, it's on top of the thermally-resistant paint, so it's gonna last a long time.

The heat range is 85 cm. He's easily intact with two bars grilles, and if he's frying on the caps, it's 12 grand at the same time. So you can fire a shuffle right at the big company.

The depth of the heat is 15 cm. Mangal's warming up fast and he's good at heat. And with a conveniently moving partition, you can control the length of the heat area. There is also a shelf to store the supplies needed in the process.

Premium is very comfortable. Mangal's legs are tall, so you don't have to lean more when you're cooking a shoe.

Also, the mangall fits perfectly into our day-to-day interior with his fine painting in the form of grapes. Well, the horrid coals in the mangale and the smell of cooking meat will certainly make the coming summer season warm and delicious!

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